There were many ways in which early Muslims viewed and treated Jews and Christians, but mostly it was with tolerance, except on the outskirts of the empire.
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search for letter written by poor laborers during the Great Depression
"Tobacco" was the most important to the economic success of Jamestown, and in many ways it was the only economic success of Jamestown, which would have failed without it.
Portuguese explorers began voyages south along the Atlantic coast of Africa. First the Portuguese established trading posts along the coast of West Africa, but gradually moved further south along the coast. This was the beginning of the African slave trade. The Europeans is different from the Arabs, they did not conduct raids themselves, but bought slaves from Arab slave brokers and African chiefs. Europeans built trading post and forts all along the coast of West Africa. The slaves were transported across the Atlantic Ocean primarily to Brazil, the West Indies and the English colonies in North America. As the demand for slaves expanded, whole areas of Africa were depopulated. The European African slave trade began during the mercantalist era. It continued well into the industrial era. In fact because African slaves played a major role in the industrial revolution in Europe.
A localist reaction against Chinese immigration, which contributed a large number of workers who were mainly employed on the west coast of the United States.
At the end of the 1840s, gold was discovered in California, which caused a great movement of people who came with the hope of obtaining great economic benefits. Many immigrants arrived from China.
In 1873, the New York bank Jay Cooke and Company went bankrupt, causing a financial crisis that hit California economically.
In the 1880s, the estimated number of Chinese in California was 100,000.
In this climate of economic uncertainty, white workers blamed the Chinese for representing unfair competition, since they often accepted jobs for a low payment. The Chinese population began to suffer many acts of violence.
The Chinese exclusion act of 1882 suspended the immigration of Chinese for 10 years.
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