The statement that would be true if the correlation coefficient between a baby’s weight and the number of coffee shops in Plumville is 0.87 would be: B.As the baby gains weight, the number of coffee shops tends to increase.
The correlation coefficient had the score between -1 to 1. If the correlation if more than 0, it is a positive correlation and if the correlation is less than 0, it is a negative correlation. This mean that a correlation score of 0.87 means that number of coffee shops and baby's weight are positively correlated. (when one increase, the other would also be increased)
The same way the Mongols conquering China did, the Macedonians assimilated much of their culture into that of Athenian , Philips son Alexander helped further Greek influence through his conquests, creating cities like Alexandria and turning much of the eastern Mediterranean into a bastion of the "western" world at the time. Not to mention Alexander was educated by Greek Philosipher Aristotle.