Community living also means that most of the people know each other. A small town environment like that often means less crime and also less need for surveillance. Surveillance is a consequence of living amongst strangers. Sharing resources can greatly reduce the cost of living.
As of 2017 only about 42,000 farms remained in Georgia, and less than 10 percent of Georgia’s citizens worked in agriculture or forestry. Slightly more than 9.9 million acres are classified as farmland, with an average farm size of 235 acres. Nearly half of all Georgia farms made less than $2,500 in 2017, while 15 percent made more than $100,000.
Give punishments, closure of the account, arresting, banning of sharing, making a wing.
Give punishments to people who commit such type of crime in public, closure of the account of that person, arresting of such type of person by the police department, banning of sharing naked pictures and videos, making a wing for dealing this type of problem in the police department etc are the measures taken in order to stop misuse of the internet, mobile, phones to blackmail and threat others.
Widely used in Europe, but controversial in the united states, Sobell programs or controlled use programs suggest that moderate substance use can be a successful treatment outcome.