Today, two (2.5) children constitute Americans' ideal family size.
Two children is enough to replicate both parents which means that there will always be a steady number of young and old people in a country. Having two children is ideal - anything below that would result in a smaller population.
A civic duty required by U.S. law for 18-year-old male citizens:
C) registering with Selective Service
All male citizens in the United States aged 18+ are required by law to register with Selective Service.
He conducts his research in Guatemala. He helps families in the country whose loved ones have gone missing in the civil war. More than 40,000 civilians in the war were never found. Mr. Peccerelli was born in Guatemala, but he and his family had to leave for the United States when his father received threats from a death squad. When he was in college, Peccerelli heard of a presentation about exhuming bodies from mass graves in Guatemala, and he wanted to help.
I think it would be creativity?