Physical identification characters:
Color- White or Colorless
Lusture - admantine
Streak - Colorkess
Habit - Hour glass structure
Hardness - 10
Cleavage- octaheadral
Composition- pure carbon
Specific gravity-3.5
Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2
Color - Colorless or white
Hardness is between 3-4
Reacts with any acid
Light and dark strip or banding present alternatively
biotite , pyroxene have Mafic mineral shows dark banding
Quartz, Feldspar have Felsic mineral for light banding
High grade metmorphic rock which is formed due to regional metamorphism of lower grade rock
Very fragile
With acid gives effervescence.
Carbonate groups contain a single carbon atom, and three oxygen atoms in a trigonal molecular geometry. The carbon atom has two single bonds to two oxygen atoms and a double bond to the third oxygen atom. Therefore, in addition to carbon, carbonate minerals contain oxygen. An example of a carbonate mineral is calcium carbonate, often found within rocks.