Blood cells
Hypocapnia refers to a situation whereby carbon dioxide is at a reduced level in the blood. This phenomenon is usually caused by deep/rapid breathing known as hyperventilation.
It signals a breakdown in the exchange of gases inside your blood cells where the stuff your body doesn’t want is swapped out for the stuff it desperately needs.
The least amount of energy is at the very told of the food web.
The very bottom has the most amount of energy! :) Hope I helped
Students who take a PE class and who will be eating sugary snacks before PE.
The control variable (or control group) is an experimental element which is constant or unchanged throughout the course of the experiment.
The option "students who take PE class and who will be eating sugary snacks before PE" will remain unchanged and constant because the whole point of the experiment is to see the effects on students performance in PE after eating sugary snacks.
Hope this helps :)
By the end of meiosis, the resulting reproductive cells, or gametes, each have 23 genetically unique chromosomes. The overall process of meiosis produces four daughter cells from one single parent cell. Each daughter cell is haploid, because it has half the number of chromosomes as the original parent cell
Fibrous Joints. Fibrous joints are held together by strong connective tissue with only a slight capacity to stretch.
Cartilaginous Joints. Cartilaginous joints allow for slight movement and occur where bone ends are covered
Synovial Joints. Synovial joints allow the greatest degree of movement due to their structure.
Types of Synovial Joints. The many synovial joints of the human body enable movement of various types