b or c they sound most reasonable
They live is harsh environment that no other creature could withstand for example thermal vents.
A: it determined that the only the federal government could regulate interstate commerce
It showed that group association has
the authority to create conformity as many subjects agreed with the incorrect answers given by others in their group.
In the field of Psychology, the Asch congruity tests or the
Asch Paradigm alludes to a progression of research coordinated by Solomon Asch
examining if and how people respected or challenged a larger majority gathering
and the impact of such effects on convictions and suppositions.
Answer: Mediterranean Europe is a united region.
Primarily because almost all countries of Mediterranean Europe are members of the European Union, following the above, the countries have a visa-free regime and high cooperation at the political level. Some of the countries that belong to Mediterranean Europe and are members of the European Union are Italy, Croatia, France, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Malta.