<u>Cyber-crime - white collar crime - robbery</u>
Answer: Option C
- Cyber crime is the crime most happening at the global level as well as regional level. This crime is fastest growing crime and has an impact on a large population.
- Cyber crime is the crime related to the cyberspace or in simple terms the internet which is used by almost everyone uses in this day and age.
- White collar crimes refers to crimes that are committed by people in regular course of business like extortion, bribery etc.
- Robbery means to rob someone of precious possessions and is the crime which has the lowest value.
No, he was not. Prosecution of Jews existed since the period when they all lived in their homeland.
Since the Babylonian captivity Jews were seen by certain elements as cause of problems. That is why in different periods they were prosecuted and even had to escape from the place where they lived. Spanish Inquisition during the reign of Isabelle and Ferdinand forced Jews to convert or to move away from Spain. Most of them spread across Europe, but in many of those countries they weren't always received as they hoped to.
I believe the answer is: <span>deindividuation
</span><span>deindividuation refers to the process when an individual lost his/her sense of awareness within a social group.
</span>This happen because most people would feel less judgement and constraint if they belonged to a group that accepted them as who they are.
<span>He is a member of a nomadic people who live chiefly by hunting and fishing, and harvesting wild food...</span>
Incumbent here means: currently holding office.
Being an incumbent president or judge has the advantage that one is widely recognized: this means that the name, image and face will be recognized by the voters - the correct answer is b.
Being an incumbent president is not in particular related to any partt.