The correct answer is A) Carter’s failure to get the hostages back ruined his re-election chance in 1980
Carter couldn't solve it and his attempts to do it failed. This, combined with various other problems caused him to lose the election to Reagan by a landslide. The hostages were released when Reagan became the president and could return to the United States. This is why he only stayed as president for a single term.
Laws passed through congress have a direct impact on the court system, since it changes the way courts have to rule on the law. The Supreme court allows the court system to have some say in what laws are just by appealing their agreement with the constitution. The President doesn't directly pass laws, he has the power to veto congressional laws and through his endorsement behind them, but doesn't actually have the power to write, create or pass new laws himself, even if he's the one who technically signs them into law. As such, the supreme court checks the president less often than congress, because the president's actions affect the court's sphere of interest less often. Most interaction between the president and the court happen when the President heavily endorses a bill, gets it passed through congress, and then the court checks it. Some great examples are the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and the National Recovery Administration, which were created through bills sponsored by Franklin Roosevelt as part of his New Deal reforms. The court struck them down as unconstitutional for various reasons, much to the dismay of FDR. In modern times, Obamacare almost had it's individual mandate requirement stuck down by the court a few years ago and elements of President Trump's muslim travel ban were struck down by the supreme court just in the last month.
Vietnam War also called Second War of Indochina, was a war fought between 1955 and 1975 to prevent the reunification of Vietnam under a socialist or communist government. In this war the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) participated, which was against the communists, with the support of the United States and other allied nations of the United States against the local guerrillas of the National Front for the Liberation of Vietnam ( Viet Cong) and the Army of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam), backed by China and the Soviet Union.
The battles that took place during the conflict occupied the entire territory of Vietnam, the main characteristic of these battles is that they occurred in an area of dense forests, full of natural elements and animals that made the operation of the army of the USA difficult. We could say that this factor greatly favored the army of North Vietnam, since they knew the battlefield perfectly.
Treaty of Westphalia that ended the thirty years war