part a
random assignment ensured each participant had the same chance of being in each group so that means that the results can be more trusted as it leaves less room for data skews based on unfair grouping of participants.
the research method used was an experiment it was not effective, because as shown in the graph the results from the placebo and new drug are the the same so there was no affect on the levels of arousal with the new drug.
elements that limit the generalizability of her study include environmental factors of participants, length of time using drug, small sample size, and limited information about participants. these all affect the generalizability because each of these elements could vary greatly among test and especially in just a 100 person sample size it is hard to conclude that the results will be the same with people everywhere with GAD.
part b two physiological reactions she could have used are increased heart rate and blood pressure because these are typical signs of symptomatic nervous system arousal.
part c GABA blocks impulses between nerves in the brain cells and with general anxiety disorder there is lots of stimuli's and when GABA is taken it can help create a calming affect which reduces anxiety and helps people to relaxed rather than be anxious or on edge.
The relationship on the graph is showing that to have a good performance the optimal amount of arousal must be present because having too much arousal, like in many cases in which Rachel is studying, can cause anxiety and stress, and on the other side having not enough arousal can lead to consequences of not being able to sustain attention and lacks motivation.