It’s D
She care for the mentally ill.
The answer to this problem is c
By working on small farms, B
2. How did the Union’s military strategy lead to victory for the North and economic devastation for the South?
The Union military strategy basically consisted in encircling the Southern economy, by blockading the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, and also taking control of the Mississippi River, which divided the confederacy in two, and impeded economic integration.
3. How did the Black Codes marginalize African Americans in society
Black Codes prevented African Americans from doing certain things (these prohibitions varied from state to state), for example: voting, educating themselves, learning how to read and write, and aspiring for public office. These codes were prevalent even in free states.
4. Why were the Native Americans resistant to establishing a relationship with the U.S. government after the Civil War?
Because the U.S. government had treated Native Americans in a very poor manner in the past, specifically by forcing some the tribes to abandon their lands and relocate to reservations in the West (what is known as the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears).