Answer: Giving birth only in the spring and summer ensures that offspring are born when food is most available.
It is the central nervous system that takes charge of the body's involuntary functions outside conscious awareness. It is this system that is responsible for all of the body's involuntary acts, such as breathing, blinking, etc.
The correct answer is: c) usually produces offspring that cannot reproduce.
Hybridization, also knowns as selective breeding, is an <u>artificial process</u><u> that involves selecting parents with specific characteristics in order to obtain an offspring with the same traits</u>.
Hybridization is very common and has been performed by humans for thousands of years: from selective breeding crop plants, to do so with dogs in order to create more desirable breeds.
Option A is incorrect because hybridation does not occur in nature, it is an artificial process.
Option B is incorrect because hybridation often happens when the selected parents are chosen to reproduce (by a human).
Option D is correct because an important amount of hybrids are sterile (for example: mules).
Option D is incorrect as well because the offspring is not identical: it shares a combination of genes from both parents.
Sexual intercourse. The developing of the female egg cells and the production of sperm cells
would be smaller
During his work, Darwin observed that the size and shape of finches' beaks varied between islands as a consequence of the food type and food availability in each island. Darwin proposed that this phenotypic variation was a response to natural selection, i.e., those organisms with more suitable beaks in their corresponding environments (i.e., islands) would be better adapted to survive and reproduce, thereby passing their genes to the next generations. In consequence, in this case, it is expected that the average size of finch beaks will be smaller because environmental factors prevent the growth of large seeds.