KSA stands for the words Knowledge, Skills, and other skills. These words together refer to a set of characteristics required of a candidate for governor of the United States. The KSA is evaluated along with the candidate's curriculum to determine who is the most appropriate person for this position.
In the USA it is considered that to be a candidate for government it is very important that the individual has a great curriculum, experience and high levels of knowledge, skills and other skills (KSAs).
The Mass Transit served the Middle and Upper classes in the 1890's. Hope this helps you!
Respuesta: Debemos eligir de forma responsable nuestro gobierno escolar porque serán las autoridades que verán por los intereses de la institución educativa y sus estudiantes, por lo que deben ser fieles a los valores y principios que profese dicha institución.
Gilgamesh was. Hope it helps!
1. He believes the war is unjust
2. He thinks people who oppose the was don't really love their country
3. The first write is anti war and the second supports the war