The synthesis of nucleotides requires several amino acids. Sort each amino acid as a precursor in the synthesis of purines, pyri
midines, both purines and pyrimidines, or neither purines nor pyrimidines. Note: If you answer any part of this question incorrectly, a single red X will appear indicating that one or more of the phrases are sorted incorrectly. Purines Pyrimidines Both NeitherA. leucine B. lysine C. methionine D. glutamine E. glycine F. histidine G. aspartate H. alanine I. tryptophan
Glycine is required for purines, aspartate for pyrimidines, glycine and aspartate for both purines and pyrimidines. The remaining amino acids are not required for the synthesis.
Nucleotides are the monomer for the synthesis of DNA and RNA. The two main class of nitrogenous bases are purines and pyrimidines. These nitrogenous bases require the amino acids as a precursor for their synthesis.
Glycine is the simplest amino acid and required for the synthesis of purines. Aspartate is required for the synthesis of pyrimidines. Glutamine and aspartate are required for the synthesis of both purines and pyrimidines. Lysine, leucine, alanine, histidine, methionine, tryptophan and alanine are not used as a precursor for the nucleotides.
when dogs breed the mother and father each randomly contribute one allele from each locus giving each allele 50% chance of being passed down to the pups. one of the alleles at each locus is dominant and determines the traits like coat color
This is because the leaf would not have tiny oxygen bubbles spread across its base (because the base is where most stomata are) that would help it float on the water. The reason is that the oxygen produced in the process of photosynthesis would be consumed in respiration because the rates of the two biochemical processes are the same.