There are several options within this dialog box for applying Conditional Formatting ☼ Click the desired option under the Select a Rule Type list. ☼ The bottom portion of the dialog box will change depending on the Rule Type that was selected. ✞ Click Format Only Cells That Contain under Select a Rule Type
The correct answers are c. can contain special characters d. is case-sensitive
Variable can be referred to as a container used for storing values such as numeric values, memory addresses, characters, character string so it can be used in any part of the program. Every programming language has rules that you must strictly follow while naming a variable, and some of the rules for naming variable in PHP are A variable name can contain letters, numbers, and characters after the first character and A variable name is case sensitive.
Portrait orientation is taller then it is wide, while landscape orientation is wider then it is tall.
A social media sentiment analysis tells you how people feel about your brand online. Rather than a simple count of mentions or comments, sentiment analysis considers emotions and opinions. It involves collecting and analyzing information in the posts people share about your brand on social media.
Speedtest . net is the most used one.