Formal. it's a casual event so no need to go on strict dress codes and a lunch is not a party.
1. Selective attention is the process of directing our awareness to relevant stimuli while ignoring the irrelevant. For example: when you pay attention to a professor in a class or doing your homework. A distraction defined by the Cambridge dictionary is “the state of being bored or something that prevents someone from giving their attention. For example, cellphones are a distraction when you are in school. Divided attention is when you perform two tasks at the same time. For example: when you watch a movie with subtitles or watch the tv while eating. Attentional capture is when an irrelevant item that is unique in some way affects the time to detect a target. For example: trying to find a seat at the cinema even though your friend is waving at you and you don’t notice. Scanning is reading a text quickly in order to find specific information. For example: A DMV employee needs to scan your information to get the details necessary.
2. The procedure consisted in turning down a volume of either one of the 4 sources that were available; or attenuate 3 in order to attend the fourth one. In the process they found that the participant could process the meaning of attend messages. Also, participants could still be able to identify the context of unattended messages; indicating they could identify both attended and unattended messages. The cocktail party effect is when you focus on a single speaker in any environment, even though the voice is surrounded by other noises. It demonstrated the capability of the human being to understand a speech if they really focus; listening to it and leaving all the distractions behind.
3. The broadbent’s model wanted to see how people were able to focus their attention (selective) by deliberately overloading them with stimuli. One of the ways was to send a message to one ear and a different message to the other. It is called the early selection model because it was one of the pioneers of creating a model who uses selective attention.
Early Métis nationalists tried to preserve their independent Aboriginal way of life by adapting to local circumstances, and resisting the imposition of European/Euro-Canadian culture upon their own Indigenous lifeways.
The correct answer is A) Caste system
The caste system has been implemented at different times in history and different places of all over the world. Some examples of it are the separation into white people and other ethnics in the European colonialist empires.
The most important caste system in the world is maybe the Indian caste system which is a very old and widespread tradition especially in the rural sectors of the country.
The <em>caste system</em> have the following characteristics:
- It is a social system in which personal status is awarded for life, therefore in societies organized by castes the different strata are closed and the individual must remain in the social stratum in which he was born.
- The characteristics that differentiate the different social strata are: race, religion, etc. that he accidentally acquires at birth and with which he can not change.
- Caste societies can be seen as a class society in which social class is acquired at birth. Caste systems reject close relationships with members of other castes.
- That "purity" of castes is usually maintained by an inbreeding rule, marriage must be between persons of the same social group.
1.) Ionian, West
2.) Aegean, East
3.) Mediterranean, South
These are the three seas in relative location to Greece.