1. what are the clients business purpose and objectives?
2. what are the structure and operations of the deal?
3. who will likely use the document going forward?
Answer: Work release programs are designed to improve recidivism rates among inmates. In other words, it helps to make sure inmates don't go back to jail when they get out and become law abiding productive citizens.
Officials would most likely consider factors like, the crime the inmate has committed, their behavior while in jail/prison, and the inmate's willingness to be responsible.
It is the duty of Congress to have hearings in order to confirm a Supreme Court Justice nominee (as stated in the Constitution). This exclusive power rests on the U.S. Senate. The consensus, however, may be different and may vote against a nominee. Political parties within the Senate generally get in the way of who will vote and who won't, and vice-versa.
For example, Merrick Garland (former President Obama's nominee) was not given a hearing. Furthermore, Congress failed to perform the duties to have a hearing and decide whether to vote or deny a nominee. This is an example of how they refused to even vote on him. This is not the way government should operate.