<span>Time and interest rates are directly related to one another. When paying a loan that accures interest, the longer it takes for you to pay the loan back, the more interest you are going to pay on that loan. Over time, the interest adds up and can be a large sum of money, if you want to pay a lower amount of interest, it is often beneficial to pay off the loan in a quicker amount of time. </span>
Affective component is the feeling a person has towards a situation that result from his/her belief about a person or situation.
For instance: a person who works hard and believes hard work earns promotion may feel anger or frustration when he or she works but is not promoted and will be affected in this situation.
This reflects Fatima feeling towards her manager when her colleague who deserved less promotion than she did was promoted, she was affected when this happened which is why she doesn't like her manager.
<span>I would say A)minimum dollar amount that can be in an account wouldn't want an account with just a dollar in it, it would be a waste of time and space.</span>