Definitions are
Giga byte - Giga means
in SI units. Its a multiple of unit byte. 1 giga byte means 1 billion byte.
Intranet- Intranet is a private network between computers, usually used in an organization for employees to communicate.
Pixel- Is a picture element. Its the smallest addressable point in a picture displayed on the screen of any device.
Telecommunication- Its a mode through which electronic devices transmit information. An information can be a text, data, image, etc.
Modem- Modem stands for "modulator- demodulater". Its a hardware device, that converts data into digital format while sending the data and while receiving it converts digital data into analog format.
Raster graphic- its called bitmap graphics. it uses tiny rectangluar pixels arranged in a grid format to represent an image.
Vector Graphic- They are computer graohics images. They are defined in terms of points on a Cartesian plane, which form polygons when are connected via lines and curves.
GUI- it stands for graphic user interface. It is an interface through which user interacts with electronic devices.