I think it’s a form,if wrong please don’t be mad
A dynamic web page serves out varied material to various visitors while keeping the same layout and appearance. These pages, which are often built in AJAX, ASP, or ASP.NET, require longer to render than plain static sites. They are commonly used to display data that updates regularly, such as weather forecast or market prices.
Dynamic web pages often incorporate software applications for various services and need server-side resources such as databases. A database enables the page builder to divide the design of the website from the content that will be presented to users. When they post material to the database, the website retrieves it in response to a user request.
Uni code is short for universal code , it was created so that all countries could communicate together without the need for special encoding for each country
Reading and writing have given us both a way to pass on knowledge and learn things we cant learn first hand.<span />
You have to draw the extra lines out