B) expression of inappropriate gene products
Most of the cancers are caused when a normal gene that code for one or other proteins involved in the regulation of the cell cycle is mutated. The mutated gene may cause the production of the faulty gene products. For example, the overproduction of products of the protooncogene that push cells through the cell cycle leads to tumor formation. Likewise, when the tumor suppressor genes are not able to produce enough product to prevent progression through the cell cycle, cancer may develop.
Approximately 100 to 150 mol/L of ATP are required daily
Basically, the human body turns over its weight in ATP daily.
Is the answer computer because that can be used for both
The bicondylar angle positions the center of mass above the base of support during the single-support phase of bipedal locomotion.
A. True
The bicondylar angle is the functional angle between the diaphysis of the femur, perpendicular to the intercondylar plane. Very unique to humans, this angle places the knee and the foot under the body's center of gravity during a single support phase of locomotion or gait. With hip joints set lateral to the body's midline, the bicondylar angle aligns the lower limb with the center of gravity, thereby facilitating human movement.