President of Guatemala who seized uncultivated land owned by United Fruit Company; his government was accused of communism by the US and was thus deposed by US-sponsored Castillo Armas
A couple weeks
A paper bag usually takes a couple weeks to decompose, but if you're looking for an accurate answer, it would be 6 - 8 weeks.
fertile soil flooding
Most ancient civilizations developed alongside rivers. The main reason why is that these rivers periodically flooded the sorrounding areas, making the soil more fertile. This physical phenomenon allowed the cultivation of more and better crops, which increased the wealth and complexity of the civilization.
Examples are: Ancient Egypt and the Nile, Ancient Mesopotamia and the Tigris and the Euphrates, and Ancient China and the Yellow River.
Confucianism supports a strong government; Taoism supports a weak government.
they needed the port,so which is closest to the port