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The wine glass goes on the left
The problem with variable rates is that they vary, i.e., they might unexpectedly increase and the increase might be pretty significant. One of the main factors leading to the Great Recession was the housing bubble and the increase in mortgage interest rates. Normally, interest rates tend to increase, they might sometimes decrease, but generally they only go up and up.
Even though the fixed interest rate might be higher, it will not change and that guarantees that you will always pay the same amount and that you can prepare your personal budget to cover it.
D. Any of the above, depending on the transactions
The double entry principle simply means that any accounting transaction has two records: one credit, and one debit, and it depends on the nature of the transaction, and of the accounts involved which specific value is credited and which one is debited.
For example, if a firm purchases 100$ of office supplies with cash, the credited account is cash, because cash is reduced by $100, while the office supplies account is debited by the same value.
If a firm sells 100$ of office supplies instead, the office supplies inventory is credited for this value, while the same amount of cash is debited for this same amount.