The reasons are the following.
Bear can live on land in a very cold regions of earth with the help of its thick skin and more hair on its body.
Frogs lives on lands due to its body structure and food availability. It has sticky tongue that captures insects.
Humans lives on lands not in water due to its body structure because its body structure can't allow humans to live in water due to absence of gills.
Seagull lives in the aquatic ecosystem because seagull feeds on fishes and other marine animals.
Sharks lives in water due to its body structure such as gills that are used to respire in water and the shark can't respire without water.
Meerkat lives in the arid climate because they lives underground to save themselves from the environment and the presence of food.
Protea lives in desert due to their dry skin that can tolerate the warm temperature.
Lions lives in the jungle due to the presence of food such as deer, buffalo etc and warm environment.
Dragonfly lives on land and water due to feed on the larva of mosquitoes that is present in the water bodies and good environmental conditions.