This can easily be answered by looking up their names or "the Watergate scandal" on Google. If you didn't have access to Google, however, you should know that the Watergate scandal involved former President Nixon spying on his political opponents at the Watergate hotel. Although this is not infallible logic, if you had to make an 'educated guess', Nixon was the president at the time. The president lives in Washington D.C, the US capital. This should lead you to believe that the Washington Post might have uncovered this scandal. Indeed those two reporters worked for the Washington Post.
There is not a actual designated number of deaths recorded, but it is easily in the billions
they’re NUCLEAR weapons
firing them at each country would cause massive devastation, literally wiping out millions of people
To find more stuff and cultes and religions basicly to find new beings other peoples culture than just focus on 1
senate and House Of Representatives