The answer is an obsessive-compulsive disorder. This disorder is characterized by obsessive thoughts and impulses, uncontrollable urges and compulsions which are visible through overt and mental rituals. These rituals are very difficult to suppress and usually consumes time and energy of an individual which hinders the person to function normally for his/her daily life.
The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) was design by the government in order to purchase assets with low value that do not have functionality for the market anymore.
The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) was design by the government in order to purchase assets with low value that do not have functionality for the market anymore. The program was designed to help overcome the recovery of the economic crisis that occurred between 2007 and 2010, in which previously the prices of real estate had dropped significantly. Reason why, investments in householding were reduced and subsequently also in business.
The purpose of the program also included the selling of these assets later on, to be able to recover all the investments during the economic recession. At the end of the program in 2014, there were some profits of $15.3 billion. The government initially made an investment of $426.4 billion and at the end of the program they were able to register $441.7 billion.
The sea’s natural splendor.
E. M. Berens' <em>The Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome</em> presents an interesting insight into the world of the myths and legends that we know only through stories and fantasy movies. And in this text, he also provides an insight into the underwater home of the sea god Poseidon.
And in the excerpt, he describes the place as <em>"surrounded on all sides by wide fields, where there were whole groves of dark purple coralline, and tufts of beautiful scarlet-leaved plants, and sea-anemones of every tint"</em>. Moreover, there were<em> "bright, pinky sea-weeds, mosses of all hues and shades, and tall grasses,[....] fish of various kinds playfully darted in and out...</em>". Added to that <em>"fairy-like region"</em>, there was no need or shortage of light which is provided by<em> "the glow-worms of the deep"</em>. All these details <em><u>depict the sea's splendor and the ethereal-like place of the sea kingdom.
Answer: 1. Physiological needs: breathing, food, water, clothing ,sleep. 2. Safety and security: health, employment, property, family, and social stability 3. Love and belonging: friendship,family, intimacy, and sense of connection 4. Self esteem: confidence, achievement, respect of others 5. Self-actualization: morality, creativity, acceptance, and spontaneity