A. Environmental Sources of Stress:
It is the stressors arising from environmental factors that can threaten the employee's work in some way.
2- Economic uncertalinty
5- Technological change
B. Organizational Sources of Stress:
This stress derives from internal or external conflicts that can occur at work, such as personal charges and poor relationships with other employees.
1. Task demands
4. Interpersonal demands
C. Personal Sources of Stress:
These are the stressors arising from the employee's personal life, which can directly impact the quality with which the employee performs his work.
3. Economic problems
6. Family problems
A - Value co - creation
Value co - creation is a strategy that promotes and encourages active involvement from the customer to create on-demand and made-to-order products. with this strategy, consumers get exactly what they want and are involved in making it happen. So the Art gallery using such information is clearly using a value - co creation strategy to build loyalty among its customer.
$1,215 per customer
Add all costs:
Marketing Costs = $1,200
Sales Costs = $9,000
Salaries = $87,000
Total = $97,200
$97,200 divided by 80 new customers = $1,215 per customer