Sancho and Bolsa, are sent to a restaurant called The Purple Cow, when they get there they are given a table and menus to look at, and told their waitress will be there. While they are waiting Sancho and Bolsa talk amongst themselves and decide who will ask questions about William Morningstar. A waitress named Robin came to take their order and Sancho asked if she knew William. She proceeded to tell the men how she knew William and where he may be hiding out.
La escuela de Jorge ofrece clases de ___artes_______ marciales como el karate y el judo.
Try writing about a young child exploring a new town. That way you can use easy vocab, such as directions, church, library, colors, food or <span>HOW ABOUT A STORY THAT HAS A MORAL.</span>
Yo tengo trece años
"Tengo" está conjugado en la primera persona del presente y es utilizado para decir la edad de alguien en español.
"Tengo" is conjugated in the first person of the simple present and is used for indicating ages in Spanish.
Se le perdieron las maletas a Roberto.
A mis hermanas se les cayó la mesa.
A ti se te olvidó venir a buscarme ayer.
A mí se me quedó la ropa nueva en mi casa.
A las tías de Ana se les rompieron los vasos.
A Isabel y a mí se nos dañó el auto.