Answer: A. the simplicity and beauty of middle-class life.
This painting is representing the simplicity and beauty of middle-class life and also important, everyday life of one maid in France. This is simple work that is representing how the maid is feeling after coming back from the market. Her face is plain but also we cannot see any stress from it and that is why this painting is representing the beauty of normal and everyday life.
That is why other answers are not correct, it does not represent any struggle or something bad and poor about her life.
Estoy sentado en la impecable oficina del neurocientífico cognitivo de voz suave ubicada dentro del departamento de psicología de la Universidad de Nueva York, pero me siento como si estuviera en el médico, recibiendo un diagnóstico terrible. En su monitor gigante, Amodio me muestra una gran cantidad de datos, un grupo de puntos que muestran dónde puntúan las personas en la prueba de asociación implícita. La prueba mide los prejuicios raciales que no podemos controlar conscientemente. Lo he tomado tres veces ahora. Esta vez, mi prejuicio incontrolado, aunque claramente presente, se ha situado significativamente por debajo del promedio de personas blancas como yo.
Because it is warm and the want to get a tan
The correct answer is coffers
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Rome, the layered squares seen in Panini’s painting of the interior of the Pantheon are called <u>coffers</u> which, beyond creating depth and visual interest to the curvature of the dome, significantly reduce the overall weight of the building.