Answer: True
Explanation: "Ignore All" button is the button that operates when the user wants to ignore the word that is flagged .Flagged words are those which chosen by user to be banned and don't want to use in future.
Ignore all button helps in the ignoring of the spelling check of the words that the user is sure about and the words that user don't want to be the part of their content.This banning is for the future use and current time as well.Thus, the statement is true.
It is either an internal IP address or it is a private IP address.
Minimize any apps/webpages on it you have open (your background has to be visible), left click with the mouse, hit Personalize, and it should have Backgrounds on the page if you scroll down. You can hit Browse to look through your files on the desktop for what you want.
The delimiter use is "::".
The Java inbuilt String.split( ) function is use to split a String into an array of String.
The split( ) takes delimiter as arguments/parameter which determines at which point the string is to be broken down into different part/token.
From the above code snippet;
Each line in the file a.txt that is not null is splitted using the statement below:
String[ ] v = line.split("::");
The line is splitted using "::" as delimiter and the resulting array is then assigned to the variable 'v'.
For instance, a line in the file could take the form:
When it is splitted,
String lname = John;
because lname make reference to index 0 of the array.
String fname = Smith;
because fname make reference to index 1 of the array.
String dept = Music;
and dept make reference to index 2 of the array.