The ancient Egypt workers were paid in products, such was grain becuase gold and metal would be scarce if they were all paid with gold.
He is trying to show who has power while also trying to build up the British image.
Japan lacked many important natural resources, such as steel and oil. Rather than limited trade with other countries, Japan saw the chance to militarily seize countries that had resources they needed.
The war caused disruptions at home. Americans faced shortages that required them to deal with the hassle of rationing. They had to provide the necessary coupons—issued by the Office of Price Administration—to be able to purchase items in short supply like sugar, or meat, or gasoline.
Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia, regarded as the earliest surviving notable literature and the second oldest religious text, after the Pyramid Texts. The literary history of Gilgamesh begins with five Sumerian poems about Bilgamesh, king of Uruk, dating from the Third Dynasty of Ur.