Butterfly shape - Each fluorine is attached to the sulfur by a single covalent bond. The SF3 molecule is very short-lived and its structure has not been determined experimentally. It is calculated to adopt a butterfly-shaped molecular geometry, belonging to the Cs point group.
Cancer is formed when there are mutations in a number of genes.
Malignant tumors are gene diseases which do not mean that cancer is necessarily an inherited disease (only in 5-10% of cases the cancer is inherited) because the vast majority of other tumors are the result of somatic, ie secondary, mutations that lead to malignant transformation.
Only 2% of human diseases are monogenic (caused by a change in one gene). The remaining 98% of the disease is either polygenic (caused by a change in several genes at the same time) or epigenetic (caused by non-genetic or post-genetic disorders of cellular molecules).
Ecological relationships exist between organisms in an ecosystem. MUTUALISM is one of these ecological relationships in which both organisms involved benefits from the relationship. It usually occurs in a way that the actions of one favors the other.
In this example, the bees feed on nectar produced by the flower a plant and carries pollen along when it feeds on the nectar produced by the flower of another plant. The bees are getting fed, thanks to the plant, while the plant is getting cross-pollinated, thanks to the bee.
Mitochondria is the 'factory' or the 'powerhouse' of the cell! I've just been learning about them too!
I have identified <em>Escherichia coli </em>and<em> Bacillus sp.</em>
I obtained my sample from soil, in a park near my house. The common bacteria on soil are gram positive and gram negative.
I found rods, and some are gram positive and long. They others are gram negative and very small and short.
The color of the gram positive is a dark blue, almost purple, and they are big and abundant, they are almost in lines, so I think they are a species of <em>Bacillus.</em>
The gram negative bacteria are extremely small and they look hot pink. They are very probably enterobacteria, and the most common enterobacteria is <em>Escherichia coli</em>. They do not have a particular order of arrangement.