I am fairly sure the command for boot options is F11, and if not, then power down the system manually and turn it back on
What language are you programming in?
<span>If you are programming in C or C++, you could do something like this: </span>
<span>#include <iostream> </span>
<span>using namespace std; </span>
<span>int main(void) </span>
<span>{ </span>
<span>//declarations </span>
<span>double item1 = 0; </span>
<span>double item2 = 0; </span>
<span>double item3 = 0; </span>
<span>double item4 = 0; </span>
<span>double item5 = 0; </span>
<span>double subtotal = 0; </span>
<span>double total = 0; </span>
<span>double tax = 0; </span>
<span>//Enter Items </span>
<span>cout << "Please enter the price of item 1"; </span>
<span>cin >> item1; </span>
<span>cout << "Please enter the price of item 2"; </span>
<span>cin >> item2; </span>
<span>cout << "Please enter the price of item 3"; </span>
<span>cin >> item3; </span>
<span>cout << "Please enter the price of item 4"; </span>
<span>cin >> item4; </span>
<span>cout << "Please enter the price of item 5"; </span>
<span>cin >> item5; </span>
<span>//Compute subtotal </span>
<span>subtotal = (item1 + item2 + item3 + item4 + item5 + item6); </span>
<span>//Compute amount of tax </span>
<span>tax = subtotal * (.06); </span>
<span>//Compute total </span>
<span>total = subtotal + tax; </span>
<span>//Display subtotal, total, and amount of tax </span>
<span>cout < " The subtotal of the sale is: " << subtotal << endl; </span>
<span>cout < " The amount of sales tax is: " << tax << endl; </span>
<span>cout < " The total of the sale is: " << total << endl; </span>
<span>return 0; </span>
<span>}//end of function main </span>
<span>I know this is a very very basic C++ program but I hope it helps and good luck on your project!</span>
Answer: Answer below.
I'm not fully sure myself, so don't agree with me fully.
I believe what she may have done wrong is tell the technician about a "program." A program doesn't have to do anything with physical hardware.
a.on , off
In most computer processors, electron movement is controlled by tiny switches that turn this flow of electricity on and off...zero represents off and one represents on
C = int(input("Enter a number ::))
F = (C * (9 /5)) + 32
print(" {} in Fahrenheit is {} ". format(C, F))
The program takes an input from the user and converts the input to a fahrenheit.