Assuming you're referring to the American Revolution, the revolutionaries felt they were in danger because the British far outmatched them in terms of man power and skill. To remedy this the colonists turned to foreign aid, especially from the French.
I think we should have a vice president. If the president dies suddenly we won't want to wait years to vote again.We want a president right away. And if we are dealing with a problem in this country that only the president can take care of and he dies. The vice president can come in and resolve the problem. intead of waiting. if we wait the problem might get worse. So yes we should always have a vice president.
<span>The answer is true.
It is a legal document which lays down what your wishes are after you
die. It also tells others what you
require from them and the conditions that go with it. There is the Testamentary Will where it is
signed in front of witnesses. There is
the Holographic will that has no witnesses.
Then the oral will which is said verbally in front of others who are the
witnesses and the living will which centers on medical requests.</span>
Drinking alcohol has be proven to harm your liver.
After Alexander died in 323 B.C., his generals (known as the Diadochoi) divided his conquered lands amongst themselves. Soon, those fragments of the Alexandrian empire had become three powerful dynasties: the Seleucids of Syria and Persia, the Ptolemies of Egypt and the Antigonids