an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.
or... an economics demand is the quantity of commodity that a consumer is willing and able to purchase at the given range of price.
It just depends on which demand you mean....but I hope this helps :)
It is a form of novel structure in deep threads dated back fron1985
The California Republic is a western state of the United State. It shares its border with Mexico along the ocean, Pacific. In 2009, California is declared all over the media and the public as the "ungovernable state". They claimed that the Governors were not able to govern the state properly in conjunction to the legislature and the courts of the state. Decentring is used to remark the governance of the state that the governors have a dominion on the rule and that the directives are happening within the communal factors.
Some of the possible reasons are :
1. Proposition 13 : The effect of the proposition 13, the property tax limit measures that was passed in the year 1978 is the part of damage the initiative did to California.
2.Budget Initiative
3. Gerrymandering
4. Terms limit
5. Two thirds votes of the legislature to pass a budget.
6. Boom and the bust taxation.
Answer: Reports to only one ICS supervisor
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) helps in guiding the government, agencies and private sector organizations to work together in order to prevent incidents, mitigate the incidents and also respond to the incidents and recover from them.
According to the NIMS Management Characteristic of Chain of Command and Unity of Command, each person reports to only one ICS supervisor