Easy and fast way to do it:
Go to google and type, " volume of a cone calculator" and type in the radius and height.
For problems like this you can move the y's on the bottem up top by fliping the sign of the exponent (in this case 7 to -7) and MULTIPLYING it with EVERYTHING on top, then because of properties of multplication you can add the exponents to combine them into one term (in this case add 3 and -7 to get -4)

If any of this does not make sense let me know and ill try to clarify better
The judicial branch is important because it complements the other two branches. The executive branch defends the country and enforces the law, the legislative passes, amends and repeals laws, and the judicial branch interprets the law and passes punishment.
hope this helps :)
Now, there are 365 (excluding leap years) in a year, so, 275 days is not even a year, but is 275/365 of a year, or 55/73 of a year.