The correct answer is A. The audience knows something the character or characters don't.
This is a common literary technique used in plays and goes as way back as writing plays exists. It was pretty common even in ancient Greece.
Yes, stories can be just as powerful by providing a different perspective on a scenario and showing what can happen if certain events take place or if we allow certain issues to persist. For example, in the novel "The Man in the High Castle", the novel depicts a world where the Nazi Army was allowed to take over the world. Even though it is a fictional scenario, it still shows what the world can turn into if we allow hate to grow and spread. This can be very powerful and allow individuals to understand the dangers of not fighting for a good cause or issue.
On April 24,1898, Spain declared war on the U.S. Goals during the war were to end Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and U.S expansion into the western pacific and Latin American territories. The U.S won because of their large, skilled army and naval forces and the Spanish surrendered.
During the late 1800s, there were three main causes of the Spanish-American War, each one pushing the U.S to declare war. These causes are Cuba wanting their independence from Spain. The growing American imperialism and the sinking of the battleship the Maine were also cause of the war. American Imperialism was another cause of the United States becoming involved in the war. The imperialism was supported by the Manifest Destiny, which is “a belief that territorial expansion by the United States was both inevitable and divinely ordained.