This is an example of the civil rights act
You might be surprised to find, however, that the first seismometer was invented in China in 132 AD by a Chinese astronomer, mathematician, engineer, and inventor called Zhang Heng. The instrument was said to resemble a wine jar six feet in diameter, with eight dragons positioned face down along the outside of the barrel, marking the primary compass directions. In each dragon’s mouth was a small bronze ball. Beneath the dragons sat eight bronze toads, with their broad mouths gaping to receive the balls. When the instrument sensed an incoming seismic wave, one of the balls would drop and the sound would alert observers to the earthquake, giving a rough indication of the earthquake’s direction of origin. The device is said to have been very accurate and could detect earthquakes from afar, and did not rely on shaking or movement in the location where the instrument was positioned. The first ever earthquake recorded by this seismograph was supposedly somewhere in the east. Days later, a rider from there reported this earthquake. Moreover, it had the most wicked ornaments. They don’t make scientific instruments like they used to! Of course, the insides of the seismometer was filled with a sensing mechanism of some sort, the contents of which have been lost in time. In all likelihood, a simple or inverted pendulum was employed, according to experts.
1. Praying for guidance and strength : In a class room settings teaching and high lightening the importance of good living from religious books and the various ways those who practiced it ends up been fulfilled goes a long way in helping out emotionally.
This helps emotionally knowing you are not alone and your current situation have been experienced by someone who joyfully overcame it.
2. Embracing conflict is a sure way of dealing with it.Pretending it doesn't exist when it sure do exist is not a good practice. From proper acknowledgement of it's existence then a proper negotiation benchmark can be set.
3. Ensuring children reach out for help. Kids are open to adult they can easily communicate and relate to.From asking of questions kids happens to learn and tends to adjust their behaviour based on the advice received from you the instructor or advicer.
4. An emotionally safe clas room comes with a build in confidence. A confident kid won't be scared of failing and trying out new ideas as such kids aren't bothered about what will people say .