There are many emotions the human brain can experience
If it stores any type of objects mixed, use Object as storage class. All classes inherit from Object and for primitives use their respective wrapper classes. Or just use one of the bazillion container classes that already exist.
for ( initialization; condition;increment)
code goes here;
in python:
for i in list/range:
code with proper indentation
By initialization above we mean, like int i=0; etc.
By condition like i<10;
and by increment it means like i++, ++i or i+=1; etc
And in python, i can be an integer value if the range is mentioned, and it can be an item of a list if the list is used. We can also use an array, string and various other data structures in python. like we can have characters in a string and so on.
Please check the answer section.
how much the project will cost