The skills you would require to become an advanced martial artiest would be,
you would need to have peace and know how to keep your temper in check.
you would need discipline and high confidence along with a good amount of focus lots of clear goals and the most important one you need respect for not only you but also for others.
you need self in forced skills.
Atrophy - the decrease in the size and strength of a skeletal muscle when it’s not used.
hypertrophy - the increase in the size of a muscle fiber in response to resistance training.
muscle endurance - the ability of a muscle to move a weight repeatedly, or for an extended period of time.
muscle strength - the greatest amount of weight a muscle can move at a single time.
progressive resistance exercise PRE - exercise that strengthens the skeletal muscles through adding more physical strain on them over time and letting them develop and adapt to this stress.
resistance - force or weight that is used to make the muscle work harder to contract.
skeletal muscles - body tissue that is connected to and moves the bones in the body.
you’re welcome!!
sometime in july i think
i am just gonna pick a random # mabye 15 or 14
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