it's how plants produce energy
A nutrient can be described as a substance which is used for the survival, growth and reproduction of an organism.
Three nutrients which plants require are:
NITROGEN (N): Nitrogen is important for growth and immunity. Without nitrogen, the plant will not be able to grow or produce immunity.
PHOSPHORUS (P): Strengthens root systems, capacity for seed creation, disease resistance, and pest prevention. Improves flowers and blooming. Also strengthens tissues and flavors in edibles and veggies. Without phosphorus, plants will not be able to produce sweet fruits.
Strengthens and fortifies overall tissues everywhere. Also helps neutralize acidity, both within the plant and in its surrounding soil, for optimal health.
The nurse should perform the ABC's, which starts out with A- Airway B- Breathing, and C- Circulation, if any of these are not within normal limits then the child will be given a dose of epinephrine (1/1,000) .3mg IM, Benadryl 25/50 mg followed by a dose of solumedrol
Plants can cause mechanical and chemical weathering
Plants can cause mechanical and chemical weathering. When plants cause mechanical weathering, their roots grow into rocks and crack them.It can also happen in streets or sidewalks. When plants cause chemical weathering, there roots release acid or other chemicals, onto rocks, which then forms cracks, and breaks apart.