It was a chain reaction. Long story short, the countries were pulled into the war because of agreements they had with their allies. This treaty is what caused the countries to enter WWI, to protect and defend their allied countries who were already in the war.
#1 Its primary goals were to map Louisiana territory and to find a route to the Pacific. Carried out during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 doubled the size of the United States and was by far the largest territorial gain in American history.
The correct answer is B. 5 (200 BCE - 100 BCE)
The image shows a timeline divided into six periods, the first from 500BCE backward, the second from 500BCE to 400BCE, the third from 400BCE to 300BCE, the fourth from 300BCE to 200BCE, the fifth from 200BCE to 100BCE, and the sixth from 100BCE onwards.
On the other hand, The Maurya Empire the first unified empire of India (320 BC - 185 BC) that spread throughout the north and center of the current territory of India and some areas of the current countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan. According to the dates of foundation and decline of this Empire, it can be said that its decline 185 BC. C. coincides with the period 5 of time that spans from the year 200BCE to the 100BCE that includes the year 185BCE. So the correct answer is B. 5 (200 BCE - 100 BCE)
With the influx of people to urban centers came the increasingly obvious problem of city layouts. The crowded streets which were, in some cases, the same paths as had been "naturally selected" by wandering cows in the past were barely passing for the streets of a quarter million commuters. In 1853, Napoleon III named Georges Haussmann "prefect of the Seine," and put him in charge of redeveloping Paris' woefully inadequate infrastructure (Kagan, The Western Heritage Vol. II, pp. 564-565). This was the first and biggest example of city planning to fulfill industrial needs that existed in Western Europe. Paris' narrow alleys and apparently random placement of intersections were transformed into wide streets and curving turnabouts that freed up congestion and aided in public transportation for the scientists and workers of the time. Man was no longer dependent on the natural layout of cities; form was beginning to follow function. Suburbs, for example, were springing up around major cities
When—and why—did the practice of foot binding begin? The first recorded binding occurred in the Five Dynasties and Ten States period in the 10th century. According to the story, an emperor had a favorite concubine, a dancer who built a gilded stage in the shape of a lotus flower.