Seasons, because the earths axis is tilted we have seasons. without the tilt we would never have seasons.
Conjugated enzymes also known as holoenzyme. Simple enzymes consist of only protein alone but the Conjugated enzymes contain protein ( this portion is called Apoenzyme) and nonprotein molecules (this portion is called cofactor). Cofactor help enzymes in their action.
Enzymes are catalyst which increase the rate of a reaction by decreasing the activation energy.
3, 1, 4, 5, 2
DNA helicase enzyme will unwind DNA into 2 segments for a template. Complementary nitrogenous bases will attach themselves to one of the DNA strands. mRNA carries codons for instructions from DNA. mRNA leaves the nucleus and joins with a ribosome (tRNA) in the cytoplasm. tRNA has anticodons which are complementary to a specific mRNA molecule. tRNA pairs with and translates instructions that the mRNA is carrying. Each amino acid delivered to the ribosome by tRNA begins forming a chain of amino acids, called a peptide bond.
b. 2N meiosis 1N fertilization 2N
In eukaryotic organisms, gamete mother cells are diploid (2N) and have two complete sets of chromosomes. Meiosis in male and female gamete mother cells form haploid male and female gametes (N) respectively. This occurs since meiosis reduces the number of the chromosome to half in the daughter cells. The fusion of haploid male and female gametes during fertilization restores the diploid chromosome number of the species and forms diploid zygote (2N). Repeated mitotic divisions in the diploid zygote form the diploid organism.