The name “amino acid” is derived from the amino group and carboxyl-acid-group in their basic structure. There are 21 amino acids present in proteins, each with a specific R group or side chainAll organisms have different essential amino acids based on their physiology.
The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral. A pH less than 7 is acidic. A pH greater than 7 is basic.
The correct answer is the growth of the offspring to adulthood.
A life cycle is illustrated as the stages of development, which take place during the lifetime of an organism. A life cycle ceases with the death of an organism. Generally, the animals and plants go through three fundamental stages in their life cycles, beginning as a seed or fertilized egg, developing into an undeveloped juvenile, and eventually turning into an adult.
During the stage of adulthood, a species will reproduce, forming a new generation. A life cycle can constitute more than three fundamental stages on the basis of the species. For example, the life cycle of a human being comprises five main stages.
The contamination cleanup strategy called bioremediation—using naturally occurring or genetically modified microbes to clean up our messes—is gaining steam, as scientists devise new ways to use bugs against mercury, oil spills, radioactive waste and more.