The result of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) meeting in 1993 during the Clinton administration was the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a legal agreement between many countries, whose purpose was to foster international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas.
GATT was signed by 23 nations in Geneva on 30 October 1947, and took effect on 1 January 1948. It remained in effect until 123 nations in Marrakesh on 14 April 1994, signed the Uruguay Round Agreements, which created the World Trade Organization (WTO) on 1 January 1995. The WTO is a successor to GATT.
The Nile river had a big impact on trade because it served as a source of transportation. Communities formed along the Nile were more developed.
Salt from the desert was a reliable and profitable resource traded.
Savannas were used to grow crops and the excess from the crops were traded.
The renaissance made a big deal
False. Sacco and Vanzetti were likely tried unfairly by the jury, because of harbored anti-Italian, racist opinions.
For the period of August 1886, eight men which is characterized as anarchists stood convicted in a sensational and controversial trial. It is not fair for the eight men to be put on trial for the Haymarket square riot because the jury was deliberated to be biased and no solid evidence was opened linking the defendants to the bombing. Judge Joseph E. Gary enacted the death sentence on seven of the men and the eighth was punished to 15 years in prison. Dated November 11, 1887 the four of the men were hanged and the additional three who were sentenced to death, one committed suicide on the eve of his execution and the other two had their death sentences commuted to life in prison by Governor Richard J. Oglesby. The governor act in response to extensive public questioning of their guilt in which later led his successor Governor John P. Altgeld to pardon the three activists still living in 1893.In the aftermath of the Haymarket Square Riot and following trial and implementations, the public opinion was separated. For some people the proceedings ran to a sensitive anti-labor sentiment while others as well as labor organizers around the world understood the men had been sentenced unfairly and beheld them as martyrs.