Scenario: The Operations Section has determined that the Emergency Medical Services, the Fire Department, and the School Bus Company will be assigned tothe evacuation of the Nursing Home. They will all converge at City Hall and will be dispatched, as appropriate, to begin the rapid and safe movement of the residents to their temporary shelter locations.What NIMS Management Characteristic is being demonstrated?Dispatch/DeploymentScenario: You are the President of Lawrence College. You and the American Red Cross Shelter Manager have contacted the Incident Command Post concerning the ability to meet the nutritional and long term pharmaceutical needs of the elderly residents. The Liaison Officer requests assistance from theEmergency Operations Center
A lot of Money in that business
Henry is analyzing - "Would it be ethical not to take action?"
Ethics is a moral principle that involves a concept to become right or wrong. Business ethics and work ethics are beyond what ordinary ethics describes. Business ethics works with appropriate business policies and practices which encourage potential controversy. In this question, Henry worries about the manufacturing process, which emits enormous carbon-dioxide. He wants to upgrade the machine to reduce the emission as well as become echo-friendly. Therefore, he is in between an ethical decision whether to take action or not to take action. So, he is analyzing, "Whether it be ethical not to take action?"
The Cost of Good Sold is $36,000 lower than it should have been and the net income is $36,000 higher than it should have been.
There are two formulas that are important to know for this question. The first is Beg. Inventory + Purchases - Ending Inventory = COGS. The second formula is Sales - Cost of Good Sold = Gross Profit.
If you reported a higher ending inventory it is going to result in a lower value for Cost of Good Sold. In this case the company had too high of an ending inventory by $36,000, which mean that the COGS is $36,000 lower than actual.
When you have a COGS that is lower than it should be you are going to have a gross profit which is overstated. The Income is overstated by $36,000.
Based on Supply and demand; If a more people want a commodity, it is in greater demand, thus the price will be higher, and if less people want a commodity, the price will be lower.
In a market the price is determined using the law of demand and supply in that particular market. Demand is the quantity of goods that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price while supply is the quantity supplied by suppliers at a particular price.
If a more people want a commodity, it is in greater demand, thus the price will be higher, and if less people want a commodity, the price will be lower.