3' OH ( hydroxyl group).
DNA is present as the genetic material in almost all the living organisms except in case of some viruses only. DNA is made of the polymers of the nucleotides.
The phosphodiester bond is present between the two nucleotide chains. The phosphodiester is a covalent bond formed in which the phosphate group of nucleotide is involved with the hydroxyl group of the sugar and a small molecule like water is removed during the process.
Thus, the correct answer is 3' OH ( hydroxyl group).
You do not need to plan. that was a false statement
there are four types of protein structure;
- primary
- secondary
- tertiary
- quatenary
A protein is a very large biological molecule composed of a chain of smaller molecules called amino acids. Thousands of different proteins are present in a cell, the synthesis of each type of protein being directed by a different gene.
Determining the process by which proteins fold into particular shapes, characteristic of their amino acid sequence, is commonly called "the protein folding problem", an area of study at the forefront of computational biology. One approach to studying the protein folding process is the application of statistical mechanics techniques and molecular dynamics simulations to the study of protein folding. Protein folding enables them to perform different diverse functions.
Protein have a three-dimensional structure that enables them to perform diverse functions like transsport,structural support as building blocks and metabolic regulators as enzymes and hormones.
Answer: mucilaginous sheath
These algae are known as "blue algae" because of their pigmentation or "cyanobacteria" because they are prokaryotes. Microbiologists classify cyanobacteria in the realm of Eubacteria. They are the only prokaryote algae. The cellular organization is prokaryotic, without nuclei or organelles. Respiration takes place at the level of plasmalemma and thylakoids. In the center (nucleoplasm), cells contain their genome and circular plasmids. Cyanobacteria often also have a mucilaginous sheath common to many trichomes.
These organisms contain several carotenoid pigments, particularly myxoxanthophyll, which does not occur in any other algae group. Some cyanobacteria are strictly phototrophic, others are optional: they are phototrophic when in the presence of light, but may grow in obscurity using an organic carbon source. Others can use a source of organic carbon as well as inorganic carbon, but only in the presence of light.
Simple answer, yes.
Monocots have isobilateral leaf I.e both sides of the leaf are equally exposed to the sun.
Dicots have dorsiventral leaf I.e. ventral side is exposed to the sun more than the dorsal side.
They are very distinctly different from each other and can be separated easily, and so are their roots.