It is the indicator of human health which is a Sustainable Development Goal of a UN.
If health is good other indicators of progress will improve with it. Like if there is improvement in child care, there will less morbidity and mortality rate which result in less consumption on child health in total.
Healthy child can compete brilliantly and excels in education which is enlisted as an other UN SDGs.
The scientific method is an unbiased technique to discover the natural world, draw inferences from it, and forecast the outcome of certain events, progressions, or changes. Scientists use it to speak about environmental problems because this method was established to enable the most accurate and impassionate evaluation of the situation.
"Shinto gods" are called kami.
They are sacred spirits which take the form of things and concepts important to life, such as wind, rain, mountains, trees, rivers and fertility
One of the dominant features of renaissance thought was the study of ancient Greek and Roman culture (examples: an emphasis on balance, harmony, and symmetry. a preoccupation with the beauty of the human form. the depiction of mythological themes).
Explanation: All the acts were all tied down to slavery.