The naturalistic methodological approach is sometimes rejected in the field of psychology on the basis that psychological events possess attributes that do not exist in purely natural events. One of the characteristics of the psychological is its intentionality. Starting from the distinction between the basic psychological processes and the behavioral products that emerge from them, it is proposed that the former constitute a proper field of natural science but that: nevertheless, they lead to the generation of theories capable of explaining intentional behavior.
Psychology is the study of individual behavior, that is, it is the investigation of processes that occur in the individual, such as perception or learning. In psychology, therefore, you should necessarily focus on possibly universal processes
natural science methods and goals are probably not useful for studying people and social behavior; Instead of explaining to people and society, research should aim at understanding human behavior ... In this vision, the most interesting questions are not about the "reality of the world, but about people's interpretations of it.
Intentional behavior, such as contingencies of reinforcement, educational experience or the current social context, we can see that a “causal” approach cannot easily be rejected. For example, we can see that a behavior now occurs because in the past it was followed by certain consequences. However, even recognizing the presence of such causes, the interpretationist researcher will insist that they influence the behavior only to the extent that they have any meaning for the individual and according to the intentions and motives that he harbors (and hence the same "causes" influence different individuals differently). Ultimately, then, the most important factors lie in these meanings, intentions and motives.
someone with savant syndrome.
Savant syndrome: The disorder savant syndrome is defined as a condition in which a person has significant or notable mental disabilities describes few abilities moreover average. A person having savant syndrome excel in skills mostly related to memory, for example, artistic ability, map making, rapid calculation, musical ability.
Out of ten, one person with autism carry savant skills.
In the question above, Alexandra is likely someone with savant syndrome.
En política, se denomina conservadurismo al conjunto de doctrinas, corrientes, opiniones y posiciones, generalmente de centroderecha y derecha, que favorecen las tradiciones1 y que son adversas a los cambios políticos, sociales o económicos radicales, oponiéndose al progresismo. En lo social, los conservadores defienden valores familiares y religiosos.
El conservadurismo es un modelo mental que es enseñado de manera individual o colectiva, con base en las enseñanzas o experiencias adquiridas en las diferentes etapas de la vida de los seres humanos y con el objetivo de moldear los hábitos de las personas conforme a las creencias del conservadurismo de determinada sociedad del mundo.2
En lo económico, los conservadores históricamente se posicionaron como proteccionistas, en oposición al libre mercado. Sin embargo, durante el siglo XX algunos de los partidos conservadores adoptaron posiciones económicas liberales al fusionarse con partidos de esta tendencia, aliados en la defensa del sistema socioeconómico capitalista, en oposición al socialismo y el comunismo. Consecuentemente, en la actualidad dentro del conservadurismo político coexisten diversas posturas sobre lo económico. A la fusión entre ambas posturas se la denomina comúnmente como liberalismo conservador.
Así, dentro de la misma corriente algunos buscan mantener las condiciones presentes o un progreso paulatino dentro de un orden social heredado, otros buscan volver a situaciones anteriores, por lo que existe una cierta confusión —incluso dentro de la misma cultura política— acerca de quiénes serían, en un momento dado, conservadores. Martín Blinkhorn, por ejemplo, pregunta: "¿Quiénes son los conservadores en la Rusia de estos días? ¿Son los estalinistas irredentos o los reformadores que han aceptado las visiones políticas de derecha de los conservadores modernos, tal como Margaret Thatcher?".
The Leakeys made one of the first discoveries that early hominids possibly originated in Tanzania, Africa not Asia (which what anthropology thought at first).