It is False that persuasive writing relies on fallacies to make an argument. A Persuasive writing relies on facts that are supported by clear examples.
The happy faces surround me in the hallway like a kaleidoscope of beautiful butterflies.
The poetic comparison allows the reader to link the author's feelings about something to something they can understand. Poetic devices such as simile, metaphor, and analogy serve this purpose.
A metaphor is a figure of speech that directly compares something to something else to create a rhetorical effect. A simile is a type of metaphor that creates a comparison using the words "like" and "as". In this answer, we compared the faces in the hallway to a kaleidoscope of beautiful butterflies to represent the happiness that they provide us.
The first time I drove my uncles 1962 black Chevrolet corvette with red velvet seats, I felt honored. It was the best feeling to have my hands on the wheel, finally steering. I was driving down an old back road with the wind blowing. It was approximately 78 degrees outside. But none of that mattered at the moment, it was all about what I would do after I pulled back in the driveway.
As I turned on my turning signal. My uncle stood on the porch and greeted me. He told me that he'd been expecting me to wreck or chip the paint. I laughed in amusement at him not having enough faith in me. Life is but a breeze so we need to learn how to live it correctly. I'm glad my first time driving wasn't as chaotic as he assumed it would've been.
hope this helps!!